COMMUNE is a networking event for perinatal professionals in the North SF Bay Area to elevate perinatal care practices.
“Communication leads to community. . .to understanding, intimacy, and mutual valuing.”

COMMUNE is a finely curated professional forum where perinatal professionals build gratifying, lasting, collabortive relationships. It’s time for the North Bay to reach out across professional lines to inspire, co-create, and support each other in the tireless work we are doing for new families!
When perinatal professionals create a seamless network of qualified care families will no longer fall through the cracks and suffer the repercussions, instead they thrive. So we gather. Not just for ourselves but for the better of the families we serve.
From my heart to yours, I truly hope to see you there!
View our Upcoming Commune Events

COMMUNE Pop-up, Sebastopol 2019

Discussion Notes:
Listening & Talking from the Empathetic & Generative Levels of our being.
What kind of atmosphere do we need to create to have a shared equity & safety to share our gifts/want to collaborate?
non judgement, curiosity, honor each others perspective and path, respect, desire to learn
encouragement, faith, believe in me, forgiveness,
communal, co creative, collaborative, abundance-mentality, community familiarity
form, spaciousness, followthrough, honor the whole ecosystem
If COMMUNE lives up to it’s fullest potential, what can we dream up? or what vision do we see?
Regular meetings, retreat, form local groups/meetings, Discussion nights. skill share, COMMUNE membership, guest lectures, ritual for self- care
Infiltrate hospital based classes & education, physiological birth normalized, steering committee to influence policy, other areas we can collaborate & remove barriers,
Resource list, New Parent Hotline, community events, create access to care, healthy births become the norm outside of the hospital
spotlight others practices, brainstorm/problem solving sessions, story circle
What would make working together truly enjoyable?
Deepening our relationships, open doors, common goals, purpose vision, seeing each others niche, great understanding of what we offer
Neuro-coupleing - empower inspire each other to take space, intimate group care with clients, inclusivity, recognize out privilege,
having fun getting out of work headspace

COMMUNE, Petaluma 2019
Community Requests & Offers
Help us start a non - profit - Sarah Glick
I want to shadow a postpartum doula - Julie Beeman 415 497 2598
Requesting more postpartum conversations - Danielle
List of all practitioners - Jeanie Wright
Add you to Mothering Arts Resource list on Website or visit group - Kerry Ingram
Requests support building resources & expanding their network - Daniella
Continue to meet , see and hear other in this work, see each others eyeballs - Ross Graham
Perinatal Mental Health Practicioner to discuss and possibly mentor - Naomi Bradfute
Request for money for the Community Care Project - Lauren & The Doula Care Collective
Requests for speakers at the Marin Doula Circles in 2010 - Patti Mills 415 850 3246
Speakers at future Sister Moon Series to show authentic
A place of support for all of us - Anonymous
Needs help with tech work for my Childbirth ED Classes - Susan Bradford
Request to meet with nursing staff at all local hospitals - Connie Sultana
Needs list of all birth doulas for Kaiser SF - Angela Pollock
Request map of community and what they offer - DeAnna Batdorff
Request for the shared language - DeAnna Batdorff
Request peer review meetings within the community - Aly Sidjakov & Amy Hearny
Collaborate in starting a monthly birth worker meeting - Robin 707 601 7615
Speak about life as a birth & postpartum doula MDC? - Robin 707 601 7615
Process the healing and integration work as a perninatal professional & process their own birth traumas - Brooke Radloff
Offering a free talk at the DCC 1st Tues in August - Jeanie Wright
Nature Healing for Perinatal professionals - Lara Sodergren & Kelly Gray
To be apart of building the bridge - Erica Bosque
Offer understanding & support to those who have terminated pregnancies- Stephanie Morgan MFT
Into 4 Class Series live online. on Embodies Womb & Birth Psychology - Karen Melton
Public Talk about Mayan Abdominal Massage DCC MDC? - Victoria Barrett
Offer free lactation support for certification - Rose Burns
In person support for client in need vis the Community Care Project - Lauren Dorion
Welcome to join our Listen & Connect -
Offering help with the foundation of a non - profit. Kelly Phipps 415 412 5104
Free 2 hours class regarding body changes from the physical therapy perspective - Marci Silverberg
Sweet Pea baby clinic for low income/challenged families in Santa Rosa, once monthly - Karen Melton
Offering space - DeAnna Batdorff
Lymphatic Care - DeAnna Batdorff
Host peer review meetings - Aly & Amy North Bay Birth Services